Roleplaying games are collaborative endeavors from start to finish. While a GM can plan a campaign or a session alone, ultimately he needs players to run through that story. The story doesn't just consist of the encounters GM sets up but also how the players resolve those encounters. Both the GM and the players are working together to tell an epic story that everyone can be a part of. The more collaborative the story telling experience, the more fun everyone has at the table.
I think that this
type of collaboration has a place at character generation as well. Normally, in
my group, character creation is a very individual process. A GM announces the
type of game that he wants to run, details the setting, and lists criteria that
he'd like the players to follow. Then the players go off on their own and write
up a character in the way they think best. Almost all the inter-player
discussion that happens revolves around balancing party mechanics and the
interaction of abilities, spells, and the like. A couple of weeks later, we all
sit down at the table, proudly placing our fine-tuned character sheets down
only to be stopped dead by the dread question, "So how do your characters
know each other?"
But cooperating
with fellow players during character creation holds rewards beyond simple party
balance. The opportunity we're missing here, is to incorporate elements of
other PCs' backstories into the write up of our own PCs. Instead of a mad
scramble to figure out how a motley crew of adventurers would immediately get
along come the first session of a campaign, we could be hammering out backstory
and working out the exact details of our characters' pasts with one another.
What's more is that we're missing the opportunity to craft a deeper and more
engaging story even before the adventure has begun.
I think ideally,
the first session of every campaign should be character creation. We would all
sit down at the table and work out what classes and races we wanted to play.
Then we’d determine whether or not our characters had any sort of shared
backstory then work out that backstory as needed. I think as an individual, the
average roleplaying gamer has a strong sense of what he wants his character to
be. So when two or more players work together to create a shared background for
their characters, it can become a tricky little thought exercise to mesh two
strong ideas of character together.
I think getting
into the habit of having these thought exercises with your friends can be a fun
way to foster creativity when coming up with PC backstory and motivations.
After all, you can’t think of everything. And bouncing ideas off of one another
can end up creating more compelling backgrounds than one player could have alone.
The other benefit
from these exercises is that while working with another player in order to come
up with a shared background is that you and your fellow player are investing the
time and thought to become intimately familiar with your characters. You
already know what they’ll do and how they’ll act in a given situation. The fact that you’ve spent so much time
thinking about where these characters are from and what they’ve done together
has given you a solid basis from which to build a compelling personality.
So go forth! Collaborate! Generate! Roleplay!
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